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Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP)

Edited by Airton Kohls (Source: FHWA EDC-5 Innovations)

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2016 witnessed the most pedestrian fatalities since 1990. Nationally, pedestrians accounted for approximately 16 percent of all roadway fatalities (5,987 of 37,461 deaths), and the vast majority of these occurred as pedestrians crossed the roadway at both midblock and intersection crossing locations (72 percent occurred away from intersections and only 18 percent at intersections). In Tennessee, pedestrians account for 12% of those killed in 2017 traffic crashes (126 of 1,042 deaths). More importantly, Tennessee's pedestrian traffic fatalities have increased by almost 45% since 2013.

Pedestrian safety is a significant and complex issue, but there are tools available to help protect those who walk along our streets and highways. Cost-effective countermeasures like those included in Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP), a featured innovation in the Federal Highway Administration's Every Day Counts (EDC) program, can be systemically applied at uncontrolled and signalized pedestrian crossing locations to reduce the occurrence these crashes and save lives.

Pedestrian Safety Countermeasures
Uncontrolled crossing locations may have inadequate pedestrian crossing facilities, creating barriers to safe, convenient, and complete pedestrian networks. At signalized intersections equipped with pedestrian signals, conflicts with turning vehicles may occur when pedestrians see a walk signal and vehicles see a left turn signal. By focusing on all pedestrian crossing locations, urban and rural, agencies can comprehensively address a significant national safety problem and improve quality of life for pedestrians of all ages and abilities. The following countermeasures can improve pedestrian safety when used in the appropriate roadway context.

Leading pedestrian intervals (LPIs) at signalized intersections allow pedestrians to walk, usually for 3 to 4 seconds, before vehicles get a green signal to turn left or right. The LPI increases visibility, reduces conflicts, and improves yielding. Communities across the Nation are benefitting by using LPI. In New York City, the effects of this treatment were dramatic. Where LPIs were installed, the overall number of pedestrians and bicyclists killed or severely injured dropped 37 percent. LPI use in Florida also yielded positive results, including reducing the percentage of vehicle-pedestrian conflicts between 25 and 100 percent at different intersections. This Fall, TTAP will be reaching out to local agencies throughout the State of Tennessee to promote the leading pedestrian interval. We will have presentations, onsite demonstrations, and printed materials to help your local agency adopt this simple traffic signal controller technology.

Road diets can reduce vehicle speeds and the number of lanes pedestrians cross, and they can create space to add new pedestrian facilities such as pedestrian crossing/refuge islands.

Rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) are active (user-actuated) or passive (automated detection) amber LEDs that use an irregular flash pattern at mid-block or uncontrolled crossing locations. They significantly increase driver yielding behavior. The RRFB has greatly increased driver yielding rates in several communities, and a recent study demonstrated that it can reduce pedestrian crashes. RRFBs can be extremely effective at trail crossings or near schools.

Pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHBs) provide positive stop control in areas with high pedestrian traffic volumes. The PHB is an intermediate option between a flashing beacon and a full pedestrian signal.

Pedestrian crossing/refuge islands allow pedestrians a safer place to stop at the midpoint of the roadway before crossing the remaining distance. This is particularly helpful for older pedestrians or other pedestrians with limited mobility. The refuge island (Danish offset design) combats pedestrian distraction as it guides them to view oncoming traffic before they cross.

Raised crosswalks can serve as a traffic calming measure and reduce vehicle speeds. Crosswalk visibility enhancement, such as crosswalk lighting and enhanced signage and markings, help drivers detect pedestrians–particularly at night.

FHWA has included STEP as one of the innovations on the fifth round of Every Day Counts. Many Tennessee cities and counties have already implemented one or more of these pedestrian safety innovations. If you want to learn more about the potential safety and quality of life benefits provided by these cost-effective countermeasures, please visit FHWA's Every Day Counts website at:
