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Roadway Drainage Maintenance: The Key to Long Lasting Roadways - Online Workshop

September 27 & 28, 2023

(9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time)


6 Professional Development Hours can be granted for this course. No partial credit available. Attendees must attend at least 90% of the webinar to get 6 PDH's.

Register ONLINE here.


Register by mail. Click here to download the brochure.


This two day, six-hour workshop emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing surface and ground water drainage as it relates to transportation infrastructure. The discussion will address the effects of water on roadway systems, problems caused by improper drainage, and practical approaches to managing these problems. A basic overview of various types of drainage facilities-ranging from ditches, culverts, storm sewers and underdrains-is provided.


This course is applicable to local agency employees and others who are responsible for managing and maintaining roadway systems.


Scott Tison
Scott Tison works within the University of Florida Transportation Institutes' Transportation Technology Transfer Center as a Lead Instructor. Scott has an extensive background including asphalt, concrete, and work zones. While with North Carolina State University's Institute for Transportation and Education (ITRE), Scott managed the NCDOT Training Program and instructed several guardrail, work zone, and roadway drainage workshops. Scott also trains in other states and trains military personnel at their facilities. Additionally, Scott is a member of several TRB Committees and assisted AASHTO with developing their T3 Curriculum.


The Tennessee Academy for Transportation Engineering (TATE) is an educational Program providing continuing education for engineers, planners, designers and technicians. The program focuses on the basic design of transportation facilities, the evaluation of traffic operations, and the collection of data to support various transportation studies. Successful completion of the required curricula of core and elective courses, confers TATE certification. For more information, contact Airton Kohls at 865-974-5255.


  • Draining the Roadway
  • Drainage Components
  • Drainage as a System
  • Worker Safety
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Wetlands Issues and Erosion
  • Control
  • Types of Ditches
  • Ditch Construction
  • Ditch Maintenance
  • Pipe Materials
  • Pipe Installation
  • Pipe Maintenance
  • Inspection
  • Other Drainage Features


This is a free workshop for all city or county employees. Pre-registration is required. The registration fee for other attendees is $120 per person. TDOT employees must register through their local TDOT Training Office at least 10 working days in advance. Please note your employment status on the registration form. A course may be canceled if there is low enrollment. Forty-eight hours notice will be given to registrants if a course is canceled.. Register early! Limited enrollment!

Register ONLINE here.


Register by mail. Click here to download the brochure.