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EV Growth Nationally & in Tennessee: EV Stats, Projects & Myths - Free Webinar

January 21, 2025

(11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time)


1 Professional Development Hour can be granted for this course. No partial credit available. Attendees must attend at least 90% of the webinar to get 1 PDH.

Register for the Zoom webinar here.


This presentation will focus on answering questions like "What kind of electric vehicle (EV) growth are we seeing nationally and in Tennessee?" "Where do we stand on growing the needed charging infrastructure, and what kinds are out there?" "What projects are at work nationally to further EV education and adoption?" "What are the main myths surrounding EVs?"


Transportation practitioners interested in learning about current trends on Electric Vehicles are welcomed to participate.


Jonathan Overly
Jonathan Overly has been in the advanced fuels and vehicles industry since 1997, cutting his teeth on life-cycle assessments in his early days. In 2001, he founded the nonprofit East Tennessee Clean Fuels Coalition, part of the U.S. DOE Clean Cities and Communities program. Working with the Middle-West Tennessee coalition and their many fleet and other partners, they have taken alternative fuels use in Tennessee from near zero in 2002 to displacing over 37 million gallons of petroleum use in 2023 alone - which equated to over 480,000 tons on GHG reductions. Jonathan has been recognized by the EPA, the University of Tennessee, TDEC, and others for his efforts to put cleaner fuels in use, and has been inducted into the DOE Clean Cities & Communities Hall of Fame.


This is a free TTAP webinar. Pre-registration is required.

Register for the Zoom webinar here.