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Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines Overview - Free TTAP Webinar

February 20, 2025

(9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time)


3 Professional Development Hours can be granted for this course. No partial credit available. Attendees must attend at least 90% of the webinar to get 3 PDH's.


After a brief background to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ADAAG and PROWAG will be compared and contrasted. The session presents an overview of the current PROWAG criteria for accessible public rights-of-way including the pedestrian access route (e.g., width, cross slope, changes in level, surface condition and protruding objects), curb ramps and detectable warnings, pedestrian crossings, accessible pedestrian signals, street furniture and on-street parking.


The target audience for this workshop is local and state personnel with responsibility for designing, constructing and maintaining facilities in the public right-of-way. These include engineers, MPO staff, technicians, public works directors, street supervisors and crew leaders.


Ronald W. Eck, PE
The instructor for this workshop is Ronald W. Eck, P.E.. Ron is Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at West Virginia University and Director of the West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program (WV LTAP). He has been involved in traffic engineering, including pedestrian transportation, for over 45 years. He is a past member of the Pedestrian Committee of the Transportation Research Board. He authored the chapter on Pedestrians in McGraw-Hill's Handbook of Transportation Engineering. He teaches a variety of ADA-related classes for public works personnel throughout the United States.


This is a FREE webinar. All attendees must pre-register in order to receive the webinar invitation.

Register for the Zoom webinar here.