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Local Government Guidelines Manual and Right-of-Way/NEPA

When - Where

August 21 & 22, 2024

(8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time)
TDOT Region 2 (Building A/Auditorium)
7512 Volkswagen Drive (I-75 Exit 9)
Chattanooga, TN  37421
Tel: 423-510-1143 for directions

Registration is CLOSED.


TDOT requires all local governments complete a one-day workshop on the Local Government Guidelines and a half-day workshop on Right-of-Way and NEPA procedures to be eligible for any federal and state funded transportation project. The workshop is divided into three sessions. The LGGM certification is good for three years.

Session I: The Local Government Guidelines workshop will provide a detailed overview of the process required to manage federal and state funded transportation projects. Failure to follow procedures included in this workshop can jeopardize the receipt of federal and state funding for your eligible transportation projects.

The Local Government Guidelines manual can be found at

Session II & III: The Right-of-Way workshop will address the activities involved with but is not limited to land acquisition, relocation assistance, and utility relocations. The Right-of-Way process is quite specific and detailed. Deviations from the process can easily jeopardize funding for all phases of project development. Attendance in this workshop is mandatory for individual(s) who will oversee and approve the right-of-way process and/or the utility process. Local agencies that have not completed this class will not be allowed to oversee federal and state funded projects that require land acquisition, relocation assistance or utility relocation.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) workshop goes over the environmental process to ensure compliance with state/federal rules and guidance. The NEPA workshop will take participants through the NEPA review and documentation process.


This workshop is for county/city personnel who are interested in learning more about the ways to manage federally/state-funded transportation projects. Personnel from local governments must register and attend this workshop once every three years to be eligible to apply for any federally and state funded transportation project.



8:00 am Registration
8:30 am Session I: Local Government Guidelines Manual Chapters 1-6
10:00 am Break
10:15 am Local Government Guidelines Manual (continued)
11:30 am Lunch
1:00 pm Local Government Guidelines Manual Chapters 7-11
2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm Local Government Guidelines Manual (continued)
4:00 pm Adjourn

8:00 am Registration
Session II & III:
8:30 am Right of Way
9:50 am Break
10:00 am Utilities/Railroad
11:30 am Lunch
1:00 pm Utilities/Railroad (continued)
2:00 pm NEPA
4:00 pm Adjourn


All attendees must pre-register. There will be no fee for TN city or county personnel. Registration fees for TN RPOs/MPOs and Development Districts will be $30 per person. For ALL others, the registration fee will be $75 per person. In order to maximize the number of agencies attending, we reserve the right to limit the number of registrations to TWO PER AGENCY, if necessary. Payments must be received to complete the registration.

The workshop fee covers the cost of breaks and lunch. Please let us know of any special dietary needs. A course may be canceled if there is low enrollment. Forty-eight hours notice will be given to registrants in the event of a cancelation. Please note registration deadline is one week prior to workshop.


Due to commitments to our instructors and facilities, the registration fee is not refundable if a registrant withdraws less than forty-eight hours before the workshop. You may substitute registrants; please notify us in advance if possible. Please register early as attendance to our workshops have increased. We may not accommodate walk-ins on the day of the workshop.

Registration is CLOSED.