Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluations/Transition Plans and Overview of Elements of Public Right-of-Way Accessibility
When - Where
April 26 & 27, 2023
(9:30 am - 12:30 pm Eastern Time)
6 Professional Development Hours can be granted for this course. No partial credit available. Attendees must attend at least 90% of each day of the workshop to get 6 PDHs.
Online WorkshopOnline Workshop, TN
Tel: for directions
Register ONLINE here.
Register by mail. Click here to download the brochure.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law over 30 years ago. It is critical that local governments recognize their obligation to upgrade streets, sidewalks and facilities for accessibility. ADA requires that public agencies perform self-evaluations and prepare transition plans. They were to have been completed by July 26, 1992 and be updated periodically. Part 1 of this two-part session examines the background to, contents of and enforcement of the self-evaluation and transition plan requirements. Several landmark court cases are also highlighted. A case study is presented to illustrate various items in a transition plan. Participants will leave the session with a "To Do" list of next steps their agency needs to take and a toolkit of helpful resources. Part 2 overviews the current criteria for accessible public rights-of-way including the pedestrian access route, curb ramps and detectable warnings, accessible pedestrian signals, street furniture and on-street parking.
Mayors, councilmembers, city managers, public works directors, road/street supervisors, municipal attorneys and others responsible for regulatory compliance and management of liability risk will find the workshop beneficial. Engineers, technicians and landscape architects should also find the session helpful.
Ronald W. Eck P.E.
The instructor for this workshop is Ronald W. Eck, P.E.. Ron received his B.S.C.E and Ph.D. degrees from Clemson University. He is Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at West Virginia University and Director of the West Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program (WV LTAP). He has been involved in traffic engineering, including accessibility and pedestrian transportation, for over 45 years. He was a member of the Pedestrian Committee of the Transportation Research Board from 2008 to 2017. He authored the chapter on Pedestrians in McGraw-Hill&s Handbook of Transportation Engineering. He teaches a variety of ADA-related classes for public works personnel throughout the United States.
Day 1
ADA Self-Evaluations and Transition Plans
Background/History of ADA
Some Significant Court Cases
Transition Plans
Case Study
Your 'To Do' List
Day 2
Elements of Public Right-of-Way Accessibility
Pedestrian Access Route
Curb Ramps and Detectable Warnings
Pedestrian Crossings and Accessible Pedestrian Signals
Street Furniture and On-Street Parking
This is a free workshop for all city or county employees. Pre-registration is required. The registration fee for other attendees is $120 per person. TDOT employees must register through their local TDOT Training Office at least 10 working days in advance. Please note your employment status on the registration form. A course may be canceled if there is low enrollment. Forty-eight hours notice will be given to registrants if a course is canceled.. Register early! Limited enrollment!
Register ONLINE here.
Register by mail. Click here to download the brochure.